Friday, September 30, 2011

Update the bathroom without spending

Change in the bathroom
 A small change in the bathroom, always carries more so with some small changes, you can convert your bathroom into a dream space, warm and functional.

Starting with the color of the ceiling, if such existing shade can keep your costs even hand painting. As a result, points in an area completely clean. If you are bored of the same and use the same hot colors that soothe and are suitable for the bathroom. For best original score is better to paint the ceiling a color that contrasts with the tiles in the bathroom.

Now go to the second stage of renewal. Accessories such as towel racks and soap style give a modern, playful, and classic, depending on your personal style.
 Note the curtains and carpet in the bathroom. Must match the style you choose and easy to clean. Get at least two paths, in case you want to change when a wash other.

To have a fresh and tidy bathroom corner shelf to get have gathered all personal care products like shampoos, shower gels, and composition in which to put towels in the bathroom.

Recent key strokes

Putting new changes mirror the style of your bathroom, but also your mood. Remove the old and replace it with new. You can get a plain mirror and decorate your own its own framework.

Finally, a perfect score, adding indirect lighting, or change it there and put your favorite candles for a beautiful setting.

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